Sunday, November 17, 2013


In every life there are changes, some good some bad.  

After 2 + years of driving for the railroad I feeling a call from God for a change, partially for my family life and for my own sanity, He decided my mission was complete with PTI. But I am not leaving without me making a mark on the railroad and the railroad making a mark on me. I think about the guys and gals that I drove around. Some were happy people and some where not so happy. I think about what my mission was at the rail yard, it still  baffles me but God had me there for a reason. I recall this last year and I think about the one engineer that looks like Cornelius the prospector from Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, Yes he did pan for gold, played Santa Claus and scuba dived. I think about the conductor who was always ready for with a practical joke. Always acting like he was hurt that you said something or did something to him that was wrong towards him, but always got a mischievous smile as he got on the train.

I think about the conductor that was cold and aloof, just plain rude sometimes but  when I found out that he had a horrible back issue and his wife is slowly dying at home you learn to talk to him different and his attitude changes towards you and he even apologizes to you for being so nasty.

These are just a few of many that I think about daily, believe me there are many more that have made an impact on my life. The rail road life is not a good life. They get at best 48 hours home at any one time. Many have broken marriages, injuries they don't tell the railroad about so they can keep their job. Ye sit pays well but the quality of life is crap.

This brings me to three particular men who were in my life one day, laughing and joking and out of my life the next day at their own hands. 2 by gun one by pills. For what ever reason they decided that their emotional or physical pain was to much to bear any more so they decided to end their lives.

They are remembered in the hearts of their family members and at the rail yard they are remembered by three 8 x 10 wooden plaques.
I think of these three more than once a day. were they my mission? was I supposed to touch their lives and perhaps keep them from this ending? Was I supposed to show more of the love of Christ to them than I actually did? I know God will never "Blame" my for not doing more, but I know God would be disappointed in me if I had an opportunity that I blew. How many opportunities have you had that you kept silent on?

So I start a new chapter in my life. An opportunity to touch the down trodden people of Elkhart as a manager trainee at a pawn shop. My old boss told me I would be dealing with nothing but crack heads, I haven't seen that yet. I have seen a single mother trying hard to pay her electricity, a young couple searching for a perfect ring, a Hispanic disc jockey getting that last piece of equipment he needed for the perfect set up.I have seen people paying bills by pawning the same necklace week after week. I have witnessed heart break from people losing their jewelry because they simply didn't have the money to get it back because their bad circumstance got worse.

Yes, God has me were I am for a reason, through my last job I learned that I need to be more obedient to His calling. This job He has already given me opportunities to prove my obedience. I pray that I am always open to His calling and I always respond to it.

Until next time friends...... I will see you on the other side. ~ Drew

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